Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) data of pottery samples from Berezan (2006), list of publ. 157
Raw weight concentration data and exp. uncertainties of individual samples are given in microgram/gram (ppm) or %
samples Bere 1-31, 100-184, 201-275 (all), data format:
ASCII-file (csv) for download
old data formats: samples Bere 1-31, 100-184
(data format: ASCII-file)
- samples Bere 100 - 146 publ. also in
Posamentir, R. and Solovyov, S., 2006, Zur Herkunftsbestimmung archaisch-ionischer Keramik: die Funds aus Berezan in der Eremitage von St. Petersburg, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 56, 103 - 128
2nd set: Data of 75 pottery samples from Berezan, samples Bere 201-275 (2007)
- see publication Posamentir, R. and Solovyov, S., 2007, Zur Herkunftsbestimmung archaisch-ionischer Keramik: die Funds aus Berezan in der Eremitage von St. Petersburg II, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 57, 179 - 207
(data format: ASCII-file)